December 2010

Tomorrow at St. Mark’s

Join me tomorrow at St. Mark’s Church for the 37th Annual New Year’s Day Marathon Reading. I am scheduled to read between 7 and 8 p.m.

Here’s a video from a few years ago:

Jonas Birthday Piece by Dalius Naujo

A recording from yesterday’s solo performance by Dalius Naujo. At Anthology Film Archives, December 22, 2010.

Play it loud.

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(MP3 available here)

Tonight at Anthology

A solo performance by percussionist Dalius Naujo. At Anthology Film Archives, 9 p.m.


Come tonight to a special performance by Denisas Kolomyckis at Microscope Gallery, 7 p.m.

Here is some footage from last night. This guy was taking chances — in Chinatown night street — cars honking — he was there, a dancer confronting New York traffic! It was an amazing performance!

Microscope Gallery
4 Charles Place
Brooklyn, NY 11221

This Wednesday

Join me at Anthology Film Archives for an early birthday celebration and a solo performance by New York star percussionist Dalius Naujo.

December 22, 9 p.m.
Anthology Film Archives
2nd Avenue and 2nd Street

Right Now in Paris

Highlights from Rob Pruitt’s 2010 Art Awards

Including speeches by me, Marina Abramovic, Martha Rosler, and Klaus Biesenbach.

Tonight: Rob Pruitt’s 2010 Art Awards at Webster Hall

More info HERE.

A video-postcard from Giuseppe Zevola.

(video unavailable)