svetainė lietuviams…
(for my Lithuanian friends)
Meet the Guerrilla Girls,
a women’s activist group
with imagination & humor
for the right purpose
Here are three amazing books I have been reading on and off simultaneously, lately (I never read only one book, I keep switching between three, four, and more at the same time):
Hiroaki Sato, One Hundred Frogs: From Renga to Haiku to English.
The other day, in mid-afternoon,
Kristijonas, Sebastian, and myself,
we paid a visit to Shigeko Kubota
in her Soho, Mercer Street loft —
This year I will be on the jury of the DotFest Online Film Festival: April 1-18.
See their interview with me, HERE.
An extraordinary example of music for the prepared piano — and one of the last performances of Lucia Dlugoszewski, a visionary composer:
With Pip, Benn, and Zevola, we goof around in Venice, 2005:
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