When (1965/2005)


  1. Joan M
    Posted October 13, 2011 at 2:01 pm | Permalink

    Good Afternoon from Barcelona!

    My friends and I have just bought our tickets to come next week to see the debate between you and José Luis Guerin in the CCCB – about your letters. We are all very excited: I’d never thought that I’d have the possibility to hear and see you in person. For us, who are little lovers of cinema, your work has become a model of humanity and life and humility. It is just that your images seem extracted from our own’s… like magic. Life itself!

    Changing subject, may I ask you a favor? I don’t know if you remember, but some months ago we asked you if you would be sccreening your film “Sleepless Night Stories” in Barcelona. We’re looking forward for it and now that you are coming in Barcelona we were wondering if it was not too much to ask you if you could bring us a little copy, only one little, to enjoy it in our home. You’d make us even more happy (like if that could even be!). If it’s not possible don’t worry cause we trully understand, but we thought you lose nothing only for asking, right? Thank you again mister Mekas,

    See you soon

    Joan M

  2. Posted October 14, 2011 at 10:23 am | Permalink

    hello mr mekas! very interesting diary entry! this video is cool! is it the Declaration of Independence?


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