
I Had Nowhere to Go

There is No Ithaca

Daybooks 1970-72

Just Like a Shadow

Artist Book

My Night Life

Idylls of Semeniskiai

To Petrarca

Coming Soon


I Seem to Live

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    additional excerpts can be found in the poetry section

Daybooks 1970-72

Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs, 2003
translated from Lithuanian by Vyt Bakaitis

available through amazon

Seventy-six poems, I wrote them between 1970 and 1972, in Lithuanian. Vyt Bakaitis translated them into English and they were brought out in 2003. Diaristic, casual poems, all dealing with my life, thoughts and feelings of that period -- relaxed and looking ahead optimistically, but still with dark memories lingering in the background --